International Institute for Sport History
Library & Museum
Sculpture Gardens
Collection & Endowment
Standing Discus Thrower -
Vatican Museum copy
Standing Discus Thrower
Polykleitos, wrongly attributed in some sources
to his student, Naukydes, circa 420-400 BC.
Found in 1771 by David Hamilton in the
"Galliens-Villa" on the Appian Way.
Vatican Museum, Sala della Biga 615,
Rome, Italy.
This image shows a Roman marble copy.
The IISOH will purchase a bronze copy made from a mold of this statue.
The benefactor can name this Sculture Garden section which will be dedicated with
a marker engraved in stone (marble or granite) or cast in relief in bronze.
- Return to the ENDOWMENTS PAGE for other STATUARY GARDEN ideas.
- For other endowment ideas go to the SUBJECT AREAS page.
These are the areas of interest for the IISOH - a long but not necessarily complete list!
Other links to pages about the International Institute for Sport History.
- Articles of Incorporation.
- Board of Directors
- Charter Membership Drive, aka The Million Donor Campaign
Make a donation here
- Building Plans.
The IISOH is a Pennsylvania non-profit educational, literary and research corporation
under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
Donations are tax deductible.
International Institute for Sport History
PO Box 175
State College, PA, USA 16804
Mr. Harvey Abrams, President
Phone:(814) 321-4018 - leave a message....
This page was created December 5, 2001
This page was updated October 17, 2005
This page was updated June 28, 2018
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Counter added May 28, 2003