International Institute for Sport History - Donor Acknowledgements, Philadelphia Eagles Tribute page 2017 Superbowl, Superbowl LIX, Superbowl 2024-2025, IISOH Fundraising Campaign - a Pennsylvania Non-profit, Educational, Literary & Research Corporation under 501(c)3, IISOH, Donations and Endowments

International Institute for Sport History
Library & Museum

A Pennsylvania non-profit corporation
Donations are tax deductible.
Federal Tax ID# 41-2041155

Philadelphia Eagles Tribute Page

Superbowl LIX Champions - 2025
Superbowl LII Champions - 2018
NFL Champions 1948, 1949, 1960

Add YOUR name - be part of the Legacy:

Make a single, one-time donation
in order to support the creation of a TRIBUTE to the Philadelphia Eagles.

This TRIBUTE will be a paved WALK OF CHAMPIONS that will lead to
a unique bronze statue that will be commissioned by the IISOH Museum to honor the Eagles.

The statue will be set on a plinth, surrounded by a lighted and landscaped area of the
IISOH sports campus as part of the outdoor Museum collection (ROCKY #3 will also be here).

Make a donation to be part of this legacy,
donate $25.00 to add your name to this TRIBUTE PAGE.

Our goal is to get 5,000 names on this page.

Your donation is tax deductible.
Federal Tax ID# 41-2041155

You have several options but here are two (2):

1. A one-time donation of $25.00 for a single line, perpetual tribute.
(see the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT section below...)

2. A one-time donation of $250.00 for the single line, perpetual tribute PLUS
an engraved brick paver (see details below).

Honor the Eagles with a short, one-line sentence - subject to the approval of the IISOH,
followed by your name and city/state of residence.

Naturally your post must be dignified.
Be enthusiastic, be honorable.
We will edit for length if it is too long.
We will not publish anything derogatory, denigrating or undignified.
There are no refunds, this is a non-profit fund-raising event.

If your submission is unacceptable for any reason then we will place a simple statement such as :"In Honor of the Philadelphia Eagles...your name/city/state." But we will also give you notice and 30 days to re-write your tribute - we are the good guys! These listings - these TRIBUTES - are permanent, lifetime listings and become the property of the IISOH in perpetuity. When our Museum is constructed an additional indoor display will include all names listed here.

The IISOH is a Pennsylvania non-profit educational, literary and research corporation
under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and is organized to operate a Library and Museum
for the History of Sport, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, Sport in Art and the Olympic Games.

Donations are tax deductible
Federal Tax ID# 41-2041155

All donations in the amount of $25.00 or more are acknowledged on these pages forever, a permanent legacy.


$25.00 donation -
A single line listing forever


Superbowl LIX Champions 2025
Superbowl LII Champions 2018
NFL Champions 1948, 1949, 1960

  • Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles Football team and staff on a great season; best wishes for the SuperBowl LII. Harvey Abrams, State College, PA.
  • Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles, Superbowl LII Champions, February 2018; Harvey Abrams & Family, State College, PA.


    to go to our secure website page -
    we are using STRIPE for credit card processing

    THEREFORE, your credit card is secure!
    We do not have access to the card at any time,
    the transaction is handled by STRIPE and they deposit
    the funds into our Pennsylvania bank account in State College, PA.

    Check or money order instead?
    Make checks payable to the
    "IISOH Library & Museum"
    Mail to either address below:

    Harvey Abrams, President
    PO Box 732
    State College, PA., 16804

    (or directly to the bank...)

    IISOH Library & Museum account
    c/o Bank Manager
    First National Bank
    1667 N. Atherton St.
    State College, PA., 16803

    Questions? Contact the IISOH at:

    The IISOH is a Pennsylvania non-profit educational, literary and research
    corporation under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

    The IISOH is organized to operate a Library and Museum
    for the History of Sport, Physical Education, Recreation,
    Dance, Sport in Art and the Olympic Games.

    Donations are tax deductible
    Federal Tax ID# 41-2041155

    $250.00 donation -
    A single line listing on this page
    an engraved brick paver (12 x 12 inches)
    to be placed in a "WALK OF CHAMPIONS"

    NFL Champions 1948, 1949, 1960

    This is the "upgraded" version of the Eagles' TRIBUTE.

    Have your name and a message engraved on the brick paver to be used in a "WALK OF CHAMPIONS." This walkway will be built on the campus of the IISOH Library & Museum in Pennsylvania. You receive a lifetime acknowledgement here AND on the engraved brick paver at the Museum.

    The brick paver:
    12 x 12 inches with up to 20 characters on each of six lines. This walkway will lead to a bronze statue that will be commissioned by the IISOH to honor the Philadelphia Eagles. The text on the paver can be different than the expression below due to the character limitations. This project is strictly limited to 5,000 pavers.

    • Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles, Superbowl LII Champions, the Abrams Family, State College, PA.
      [Paver to read]:
      In Honor of the
      Philadelphia Eagles
      Superbowl Champions
      Superbowl LII, 2018
      Harvey Abrams & Sons
      State College, PA.

    The IISOH is a Pennsylvania non-profit educational, literary and research corporation
    under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and is organized to operate a
    Library and Museum devoted to the subject areas of

    History of Sport
    Physical Education
    Sport in Art
    Ancient and Modern Olympic Games

    and all related subject areas as determined by the Board of Directors.

    NOTE: According to the rules of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) all donations over $250.00 require a written receipt from the IISOH in order for you to claim the tax deduction. We happily send such a letter/receipt for your contribution. In case you have not received such a letter within 15 days of your donation, please contact the IISOH for our immediate attention.

    For more information concerning tax reporting please go to the IRS website:
    IRS Publication 1771; Charitable Contributions: Substantiation and Disclosure Requirements

    Links to other pages of the
    International Institute for Sport History (IISOH)

  • Host Cities of the Summer & Winter Olympic Games, added January 21, 2018
  • The History of Music in the Olympic Games and Olympic Themed Films, added January 19, 2018
  • IISOH Press Release #8, January 4, 2018
  • IISOH to Acquire ROCKY #3

  • Interns & Volunteers Wanted

  • Charter Membership Campaign/Million Donor Campaign
  • Sport in Art Poster Series #2 - GYMNASTICS Poster | Sport In Art Poster Series

  • American FOOTBALL Collection | FOOTBALL Donation form

  • IISOH Front Page | Directory/Site Navigation
  • Wrestling Collection | Olympic & Sport History pages | Ancient Olympic Games
  • Our Mission | Articles of Incorporation | Bylaws | Board of Directors

  • Charter Membership Campaign/Million Donor Campaign | Charter Membership Form

  • Donor Acknowledgements

  • Donate Books & Collectibles
  • Sports Philanthropy
  • Endowments
  • Subject List for Endowments

  • National Olympic Committee Directory, Page 1 | NOC Directory, Page 2
    NOC Directory, Page 3 | NOC Directory, Page 4

  • Flag Counter

    This page was created January 27, 2018
    This page was updated January 28, 2018
    This page was updated February 8, 18, 28, 2018
    This page was updated March 5, 7, 2018
    This page was updated July 22, 2018
    This page was updated January 29, 2023
    This page was updated February 14, 2023
    This page was updated February 09, 2025